Benevolent Beers: USCRI
Thursday June, 13, 2024 5:00PM
We team up with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) Erie Field Office (founded as the International Institute of Erie) for another night of Benevolent Beers!
Founded in 1919 as the International Institute of Erie, USCRI Erie is the leading refugee resettlement agency in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Staff members have decades of expertise in case management, instruction, and interpretation. USCRI Erie coordinates initial medical screenings, English language instruction, cultural orientation to life in the U.S., early childhood education and K-12 school enrollment, housing assistance, and preparation for employment. These core services are all trauma-informed and both culturally and linguistically accessible. Additional services that are now available include legal assistance, micro-enterprise training for small business entrepreneurs and farmers, and preparation for U.S. citizenship.
USCRI Erie boosts the local economy by connecting employers with new workers, landlords with tenants, and universities/trade schools with students. All are revitalizing Erie with fresh ideas, cultural diversity, property investments, and lots of new jobs.
Every sale rung in between 5:00pm and 8:00pm will provide funding to this organization.